April 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Ray

We celebrated Ray's birthday yesterday. What at riot. I was happy to see Ray joining in the festivities. I love you honey!!!Happy, Happy Birthday!!!

25 weeks and Counting....

I am sorry that this has taken so long to write but right about now I find myself in major crunch time at work and somewhat overloaded at home.
I am so excited to state that I am now 25 weeks. I do not remember caring so much about the advancement of my first two children. Yes, I was excited to be carrying them but I don't think that I was as conscientious of the birthing experience. I was not working full-time either. Oh, how good it is to feel life inside you. Every time I feel this little guy kick and push and turn I am elated that he is full of life and more importantly destiny.
I am constantly in awe that God himself creates and helps form each little life that is born. Wow, God you are so big and grand.
The picture is of me during my 25th week. Last month I was told by the doctor that he was very proud of me for my weight control. I guess ordinarily I would have been offended with comments of my weight but not right now. I have gained 3 pounds this pregnancy and will probably gain a tad more by the end. I was worried at the beginning that I would have gained too much and would not be able to lose it all.
I prayed that God would help me not to gain too much and from that time did not gain anything.I know that I will gain some but am excited that God has helped me with not gaining too much.
That was just a side thought, but we need to be thankful for every little thing.
Thank you God.