November 15, 2006

It is one Good Day!

Wow! It is an amazing day. Sometimes I wonder what makes a good day. It has always amazed me that my girls are so different. Alexis is sincere and takes on the problems of the world. Alexis is primarily happy but does not always act like it. She smiles but is very concerned with serious things. It is difficult for her to have a great day. On the other hand, my second born Hannah has the easiest job laughing and cracking herself up. It is not hard for her to have a great day. She doesn't worry about the big stuff. She seems to be genuinely happier.
One thing that I have been teaching my girls is that regardless of your personality you can choose how you react and how you respond. This has balanced both of my girls and has helped them to realize that they are not that different.They have much more fun when they remember that their day depends on them.

November 9, 2006

God's amazing grace

It is amazing all the things that God is doing in our family and in our lives. Today I got a word that really encouraged me. It lifted my spirit, which has been quite low with all the stress of daily life. Sometimes we just need the truth to penetrate the darkness and produce in us life. I have had such an attack of doubt in my life that only the word of God pushes and disolves it to nothing. Everything else fails but the word of God stands forever. In Psalms David pours out his soul to the Lord in torrents of emotion and depths like I have felt often. Psalm 21 says "the king shall have joy in your strength O Lord. And in your salvation how greatly will he rejoice. You have given him his heart's desire. And have not withheld the request of his lips. For you meet him with the blessings of goodness; you set a crown of pure gold upon his head. He asked life from you, and you gave it to him- lenghth of days forever and ever. His glory is great in your salvation; honor and majesty you have placed upon him. For you have made him most blessed forever, you have made him exceedingly glad with your presence. It is so wonderful to know that God's intention is for us to be eternally blessed. We often times forget his true faithfulness and I constantly find myself reminded of all the times I truely forget of how much he has done for me already. The little things we never notice. One example is... Yesterday, I misplaced somethings that I never remembered having. I knew that if I didn't find them everyone would pay. This was crucial and the intensity was so strong. I found myself overwhelmed, wanting God to move on my behalf but not thinking that He would. A co-worker and I prayed that God would move the misplaced items to where they needed to be so they could be found. I thought it would be nice but never believed what God really said. For you meet him with blessings of goodness... Later in the afternoon, I was shocked and suprised to know that the items showed up in a place that had already been searched multiple times. This was truely a miracle and I know that the word is true. Just a little food for thought. When you get discouraged and down. The King of Kings is petitioning on your behalf and ushering goodness into your life. Be Blessed.

It is a new day and a new time

Hey to all this is my second blog and I am happy to state that life is pretty much the same. I am working full-time as a secretary. It is a job that is packed with drama and excitement in a very wrong sense.
I am happy to say that my girls are growing more beautiful by the minute. Will keep you updated.

This is fun.

October 10, 2006

Our First Bike Ride

My beautiful ballerina's

Two beauties posing for their audience. They performed on August 11, 2006 as little children for "Old Women in the Shoe". Alexis on the right is six and excited everyday about first grade. Hannah on the left is four and happy to be in kindergarten. Both keep me busy and happy enjoying their antics.

October 6, 2006

Family Information Update!

This is our first blog, but wanted to let everyone know what was happening.
Our family is soooo blessed. This last month has been completely amazing. I got a new job with a raise, isn't that awesome. Our family is getting ready to move into town. This is also a blessing because we went from a two bedroom-one bathroom apartment to a five bedroom-three bathroom house.