January 18, 2007

Here are the Rice's

This Christmas the Rice girls were in the school talent showcase. These pictures are to display their beautiful talent.

January 16, 2007

Through Tragedy will come Triumph!

It is January 16,2006. Ray and I lost our little baby at five weeks on Saturday January 13Th. As a mother already this crushed my spirit for a time. I know that it will take a long time to recover from this loss. It is devastating to lose someone and this loss is still close to home. I am having to push my desire to give up and quit to the background because I know that God's plans never fail and that He still will complete his destiny in our lives. I know that without Him I could not handle this loss. It is almost like I can see Saturday morning in slow motion over and over. I have wondered what happened and why, but am realizing that I must keep my eyes on my King and Creator. Not everything must have a reason, but I am remembering these things. "The Lord is Good and His mercies endure for ever..." and another scripture says, "Though he may slay me I will praise Him..."
I am so thankful for my loving family and caring people who God has placed in exactly the right place for this time. Thank you for all your prayers even up to the moment of loss. Words sometimes don't come easy for me but I thank God for all of you.
I will see my little baby again one day and at this moment he/she is dancing with Jesus and their little cousin Kyler. I hold onto what God has said to my family and to this church. Remember our God does not Lie. What He says he Will Do.